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Nourishing Students: The Power of Breakfast and How General Mills Foodservice K-12 Products Can Help You Meet Regulations with Ease

Break-Facts. Bring On Breakfast. Nourish Kids for What’s Next. Cinnamon roll, biscuit, and strawberry smoothie with striped straw. Pencil and milk carton illustrations on blue and yellow background.

As a K-12 foodservice operator, you play a crucial role in ensuring students get the right start to their day. A well-balanced breakfast not only fuels their minds and bodies but also sets them up with healthy habits that can last a lifetime. In this article, we'll delve into the nutritional benefits of breakfast and explore how General Mills Foodservice K-12 products can assist operators in meeting regulations effortlessly.

Daily breakfast sets kids up for a healthy habit

Regularly consuming a balanced breakfast has been associated with maintaining a healthy weight¹ and reducing the risk of heart disease.² Encouraging students to make breakfast a part of their daily routine is a great way to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Gives kids essential nutrients

Breakfast is a fantastic opportunity to ensure kids get the essential nutrients they need. When students enjoy a nutrient dense balanced morning meal, they gain access to important vitamins and minerals vital for their growth and development. In fact, research has shown breakfast eaters have higher intakes of nutrients like calcium, iron, vitamin D, and fiber.³ These nutrients are commonly found in breakfast foods such as cereal, and they play an important role in supporting health. Fiber, for example, is important in promoting digestive health. And, because breakfast provides important nutrients, breakfast eaters are also more likely to meet nutrient recommendations.³

Promotes intakes of important food groups

Kids who eat breakfast have been shown to have higher diet quality. This means they are more likely to meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans including having higher intakes of fruit, whole grain and dairy.³ Many kids fall short on meeting recommendations for these food groups and encouraging breakfast can help fill the gap!

Helps set kids up to be ready to learn

Eating breakfast is important for kids’ minds to perform at their very best. Breakfast provides the fuel to give young minds the energy they need to kick-start their day. Studies show that students who eat a nutritious breakfast perform better in school, with improved memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.⁴

General Mills Foodservice K-12 products: helping you meet school meal regulations with ease

It can be a challenge to meet the school nutrition and meal pattern regulations while ensuring students enjoy their meals. General Mills Foodservice offers a wide range of products specially designed to fit in the requirements effortlessly. From whole-grain-rich cereals to nutritious yogurt options, our products are crafted with student well-being and operational ease in mind.

Enjoyable and simple breakfast options

By incorporating General Mills Foodservice K-12 products into your school meals program, you can provide students with delicious and wholesome meals that tick the nutritional boxes without requiring much time or labor. Our products not only were designed to help you meet the school meal nutrition and meal pattern regulations but also appeal to young palates, making breakfast an enjoyable and nourishing experience.

Breakfast is a powerhouse of benefits for K-12 students and, starting the day with a balanced meal sets young minds up for success. General Mills Foodservice K-12 products serve as a valuable asset for every school, making it easier to meet the nutrition and meal pattern regulations while offering students the nutritious breakfast they need to thrive. Let’s work together and empower young minds with the fuel they deserve – a wholesome breakfast to conquer the day ahead!

¹Timlin MT, Pereira MA, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D. Breakfast Eating and Weight Change in a 5-Year Prospective Analysis of Adolescents: Project EAT (Eating Among Teens). Pediatrics 2008; 121(3):e638-e645.
²How to make breakfast a healthy habit. American Heart Association. Accessed from: How to Make Breakfast a Healthy Habit | American Heart Association
³NHANES 2017 - 2018
⁴Food Research & Action Center, Research Brief: Breakfast for Learning. Accessed from: Breakfast for Learning - Food Research & Action Center (frac.org)
